PRAY FOR HAITI: February 2025
One of the greatest things you can do to partner with Haitian Christian Outreach is PRAY! Thank you for partnering with us in this way.
Our leaders mentor and disciple Haitian leadership as we plant new churches. And mature believers are being trained to support current church leadership and in preparation for new church plants.
Educated children are the future of Haiti. HCO tries to remove as many barriers as possible and provide opportunities to educate the next generation of children.
Health care in Haiti continues to be a tremendous need. Peredo Community Hospital is delivering hope and helping to address these huge needs by providing quality medical care.
From digging wells for clean water to raising rabbits for meat and income, we are focused on empowering Haitians to economically transform their communities. It is part of a holistic approach to meet spiritual and physical needs.
One of the greatest things you can do to partner with Haitian Christian Outreach is PRAY! Thank you for partnering with us in this way.
Stay up to date with the current situation in Haiti. We keep this page up to date with CURRENT HAPPENINGS – ACCORDING TO GLOBAL REPORTING.
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