APRIL 8 – MAY 18, 2024
In following the way and promptings of Jesus, we invite you into a time of prayer and fasting, earnestly praying in one accord over God’s children in Haiti. If fasting every day seems daunting, don’t worry–we’re only asking participants to fast from sunup to sundown on Thursdays.
We hope that throughout the forty days, as we pray together, we hope that God will stir in and shake those He has placed in positions of power and authority for the armed groups of gangs (those who became members willingly or unwillingly) and for the millions of innocent people caught in the mix. We will pray He gives each of them wisdom for actions reflective of Micah 6:8. We will pray that each of them comes to learn and feel that they are seen, heard, known, and loved. We will pray for God to give the Body of Jesus the courage to walk or run, whisper or shout, be still or move, and most importantly, love in The Way.
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