
Update on Lolo

Last August, we shared with you about Lolo’s breast cancer diagnosis. Many of you have blessed her with prayer and some with financial gifts to help pay for her medical care. She has been continuing to receive chemo and is staying with her son in Port-au-Prince in between treatments.

Lolo is receiving care through Partners in Health’s hospital in Mirebalais. They have produced this short video that shows a little of what it’s like for a woman diagnosed with breast cancer to receive care at PIH.

The HCO staff visits Lolo and encourages her as they are able. She is in good spirits and still has her house in Peredo that she hopes to return to when she is restored to health. We prayerfully anticipate that day!

Please continue praying for encouragement, strength, and healing as Lolo walks this journey!

  • Healing. Father, heal Lolo by the power of Your Word. Thank you for sending Jesus to bear our sins in His body so that by His wounds she might be healed. (Ps. 107:20; 1 Pet. 2:24)
  • Prayer. Surround Lolo with righteous intercessors and church leaders who will pray faith-filled powerful, and effective prayers. (Jas. 5:14-16)
  • Laughter. Grant Lolo a cheerful heart. Turn her weeping into joy, and fill her mouth with laughter. (Prov. 17:22; Ps. 126:2-6)
  • Wisdom. God of wisdom, please guide Lolo in the many decisions she must make during this illness. Give her the confidence that You are leading her in love and power. (Ps. 32:8, Prov. 3:5-6, Jas. 1:5)