Love in Action in Haiti
Cards that say ‘I Love You’, heart-shaped boxes of chocolates, bouquets of roses, candy hearts that say, ‘Be Mine’, romantic dinners, and a lil’ babe flying around shooting people with arrows! All these and more are symbols of love during the month of February and on Valentine’s Day.
While I enjoy a great box of chocolates and a romantic dinner with my husband, let’s consider the following acts of love this year. The Apostle John tells us this of love, “Dear children, let us not love with our words or tongue, but with action and in truth.” Throughout the Bible, love is an action, an action that none so well as Christ demonstrated. Not only did Jesus tell His disciples how much our Father in Heaven loves us, but through the ultimate sacrifice, He put His love into action. Taking our place in death, Christ went to the cross for us. God’s love shown in action through the sacrifice of His Son, but also through the resurrection of Jesus! The resurrection is an action that shows our Father’s love through the fulfillment of His promise for us to live in eternity with Him.
We pray this year you are overwhelmed by the acts of love our Father continues to demonstrate for you, His child, His Love! We also pray that as a response to this, you consider putting your love into action as well! Here are just a few examples of how you can do that in partnership with Haitian Christian Outreach.
1. Show love to RoRo and Eline by praying for the health and wellness of missionaries on the ground in Haiti and the communities they serve each day. Sharing these prayers with us provide strength, encouragement, and endurance for those serving and living in Haiti.
ACTION: You can send these words of encouragement to [email protected] and we will share them with RoRo, Eline, JoJo, and all those connected to the ministry.
2. Show love to our eight churches to spread the Gospel into the remote parts of the Southeast Department of Haiti. These pastors are spreading Hope and Light during this uncertain and dark time in Haiti by making door-to-door evangelistic visits when church members are too scared to travel to church. They are holding seminars for pastors to elevate their skills and to lift each other up.
ACTION: Give towards supporting one of the eight pastors of the Emmanuel Christian Churches planted by RoRo and Eline and HCO.
3. Show love to our six schools by empowering our youth.
ACTION: Sponsor one of our 1500 students for a year. Your partnership provides the student with State and Bible education, a uniform, a meal each day, and free healthcare at the Peredo Community Hospital. Or consider giving a one-time gift to their future!
4. Show love to the hospital staff at the Peredo Community Hospital to provide basic healthcare for over 500,000 people.
ACTION: Consider giving toward the construction of the 22 bed recovery floor which will allow our patients to recover in privacy and dignity.
5. Show love to our communities.
ACTION: Pack disaster relief kits for our churches to dispense during/after disasters in their areas. For more information about packing kits contact US Director Megan Schreiber at [email protected].
Thank you for the love and encouragement you continue to bestow upon RoRo, Eline, and all those you are loving through Haitian Christian Outreach! Thank you for helping us to continue to do something in Haiti that will last!
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