


  • The Emmanuel Christian Church of Port-Au-Prince had to cancel their service for the first time this year on June 16th due to gang violence in the area. Praise the Lord, it was safe to meet the next Sunday and has been meeting ever since. 
  • Praise the Lord for our teaching staff, they continue to do an excellent job despite the countries circumstances. They are doing an excellent job of keeping the kids focus on their school work and learning when they are in the classroom. Our teachers are being the hands and feet of Jesus in their classrooms throughout Haiti. We are praising the Lord for all of our classroom sponsors that continue to support the education of the next generation of Kingdom leaders in Haiti. Tap here learn more about our classroom sponsorship program. 


  • Pray for our pastors, teachers, students, physicians, nurses, and campus staff. 
  • Pray for the Emmanuel Christian Church and School of Port-Au-Prince, as it continues to be in the middle of the gangs. We pray for a hedge of protection over this sacred building and everyone who is traveling to and from for church and school. 
  • Pray for the country of Haiti. We continue to pray for a revival and for change to happen. Lord bring a sense of peace over the country, and bring the resources that are desperately needed to our brothers and sisters. Provide a way for the supply chain to open, for food, water, and medicine to be placed in the south of Haiti.