

  • Please pray for out Emmanuel Christian Church in downtown Port-Au-Prince, they have had to cancel church services due to shootings, and many members have been forced to leave the area and their homes due to safety. 
  • Join us in prayer for our students and teachers as they enjoy some time of rest before school starts back up in October. We are so grateful for our teachers and staff that pour into our students all year long, may they use this time to fill their cups and come back energized ready to take on the new year. 
  • We continue to pray for the country of Haiti. Our hearts mourn as we continue to hear stories of what is going on the ground. Lord be near, and continue to bring hope to our Haitian brothers and sisters. Pray for peace and a positive change to spead throughout the country. 

Thank you for continuing to pray for our ministry on the ground in Haiti. We have so many of you who is telling us that you are praying and your prayers are a huge encouragement as we continue to live out the Lord’s calling.