PRAY FOR HAITI: February 2023
Sing joyfully to the Lord, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise Him. Praise the Lord with the harp; make music to Him on the ten-stringed lyre. Sing to Him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy. Psalm 33:1-3
Praise God for The Emmanuel Christian Schools, that they were able to open at the beginning of the year! Let it bring you joy to know all of our teachers have come back to school and that many of the students have returned as well!
Praise God the container of food that has been stuck in the port since last September, has finally been delivered to the Peredo campus! God, we pray that You give us the guidance to stewart our resources well in these communities of needs.
We Praise God for each of the Emmanuel Christian Churches. Each week they continue to be filled with our brothers and sisters that are on FIRE for Jesus and the Word! Despite the turmoil and circumstances of the country, they want to Praise God and SHINE HIS LIGHT in the darkness.
We wait in hope for the Lord; He is our help and our shield. In Him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in His Holy name. May Your unfailing love be with us, Lord, even as we put our hope in You. Psalm 33:20-22
Pray for each classroom, each student, and each teacher. Pray for safety, as they travel to and from school. Pray for their health as cholera is still a real danger, to the children especially. Pray that God will bless each student with the ability to focus in the classroom after being away for over 6 months. Pray for the teachers as they get back into a routine and attempt to make up for the time they have missed with the students in the classroom.
Pray for our Pastors and their families. Pray that God continues equipping them to do His work in their communities.
Pray for the doctors, nurses, and staff at Peredo Community Hospital, as they are spreading the love of Jesus through their actions to each patient and their families. Pray that God continues to work though ALL these heroes on the ground as they play a crucial role in Kingdom Work.
Pray for the security of the country to return.
Thank you for not only encouraging, supporting, and partnering with us, but for Praying with us. Thank you Prayer Warriors!
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Loren C Roberts
Yes, I pray every morning for all these things and everyone involved in HCO Haiti. I pray for the teachers and students. That the children will grow up in Christ and make a difference in Haiti s future. I pray for Christ’s Church.
I pray for Haiti and that God will raise up godly leaders.
I pray that the hospital and Rx will have the medical supplies they need. That the people coming for treatment will see Christ in the staff and the medical treatment and will come to Christ as a result.
I pray for the USA ministry also.
God is good.