
Peredo Baptisms

As Fedner, Lovena, and Edna made their way towards the river at 6 a.m. on a Monday morning, there was a feeling that this step in their faith journey was one that held special significance. For the last two months, all three of them had been studying the Christian doctrines once a week with Pastor Jacquelin at our church in Peredo.

The fundamental truths they learned about God, the church, and baptism had led to this very moment. They all had been coming to church anywhere from several months to years. Now was a moment of special importance in their faith journey.

In Haiti, baptism is truly the step that separates many people within the church. It differentiates those who talk about following God and moves them from talk to reality. Baptism is countercultural in this place where voodoo drums can still be heard coming from the mountains and where most families have dabbled in the evil practices that still impact lives in their communities.

As Pastor RoRo took their confessions of faith and prayed over them, the cold, rushing water was the next step in following Christ. Then, Pastor Jacqueline baptized them. As each came forth from the water as new creations, you could see the smiles on their faces. God has worked a redemption story for each one of them!

As a group, we shared hugs, photos, and prayed as a group. It was a tremendous morning in Peredo!

Please keep Fedner, Lovena and Edna in your prayers as they walk the path of following Christ!