
Pray for Haiti: June 2024


  • We are praising the Lord for keeping all of our staff safe on the ground in Haiti. Please continue to lift up our Pastors, Teachers, and Hospital Staff in prayer. 
  • Praise the Lord for our six Emmanuel Christian School locations that are still in session for the school year and providing a safe learning environment for our students.


  • Please pray for our Belle Anse community. They are having trouble finding basic necessities such as food. Pray that we are able to continue to find these basic necessities that these communities in the South desperately need. 
  • Pray for our brothers and sisters in Haiti. Lord, we know that You are the only one who has the authority to change the circumstances of their reality. Bring revival and free them from this everyday war. Open doors in the supply chain to provide food, clean water, and medical supplies to the ones in desperate need.  
  • Lift up our founders RoRo and Eline as they are heartbroken and homesick. Pray for the Lord to continue to comfort them during this time.