For 40 years, Pastor RoRo’s central focus and the heart of all ministry within HCO has been fueled by the desire to share the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The value of evangelism is held high, whether educating children, providing health care, or meeting community needs. Our leaders mentor and disciple Haitian leadership as we plant new churches. Mature believers are trained to support current church leadership and prepare for new church plants. RoRo and Eline have planted ten Emmanuel Christian Churches, all led by Haitian pastors.
Every year, we are blessed by the Emmanuel Christian Church of Seguin as they dedicate their First Fruits back to the Lord in a beautiful worship celebration. Learn more about the Seguin Feast of the Harvest on our blog.
You can learn more about the current ministry from our Church Planting blogs!

All HCO-planted churches are called Emmanuel Christian Church, followed by the community’s name. We have planted churches in these locations:
Belle Anse (2015)
Bordin (2013)
Chota (2014)
Drouillard (2002)
Grand Bois (2011)
Kapotyer (1998)
Peredo (2006)
Seguin (1991)
Terre-Neuve (2011)