Peredo Community Hospital is a multi-specialty hospital was started in 2012 after assessing that basic medical care was out of reach in an area with a population of 1 MILLION people. In order to meet their medical needs, they were consulting with witch doctors, the only known “healers” in the area. Not being medically trained professionals, many of these treatments were extremely harmful rather than healing. For instance, using battery acid to heal burns. Eline and I knew we had to do something for the people of southeast Haiti. Now, many people walk long distances, some over 4 hours, to receive care from our compassionate and well-equipped staff.
Starting with mobile medical clinics, Peredo Community Hospital has continued to deliver hope by addressing basic and emergent needs through quality healthcare. Our team of 40 Haitian physicians and nurses challenge the status quo in Haiti by providing each patient with the highest standard of care! The hospital runs entirely on monetary, medical supply, and equipment donations. Proving its much needed worth over the last 10 years, the Peredo Community Hospital is a beacon to these communities.
Peredo Community Hospital is delivering hope and helping to address these huge needs by providing quality medical care and specializing in: Emergency Care, Surgical Services, General Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Urology, Pediatrics, Dentistry, Diagnostic Imaging, Pharmacy AND Basic Labs.
& NOW PROVIDING Education for medical students