
Change is not an option – THANK YOU Abby Glasser

I recently read a passage in a book that basically said for a follower of Jesus, change is not an option; it is a vital part of our faith journey. The choice to be obedient to the call of God to follow in the footsteps of His Son requires us to make a change in our lives in some way, shape or form. As I listened to Abby Glasser on the other end of the line, I knew this was what she was describing as she spoke about what she felt God was calling her to next. It was important to me that Abby knew how elated I was for her that she was willing to allow God to use her in this new way for His Glory and to build His Kingdom! I wanted her to know I was celebrating with her in her obedience to our Father!At the time, Abby had been the Development Assistant for Haitian Christian Outreach for almost four years and was a vital part of our team. Abby was that person that would tell me exactly what she thought about an idea or process, without the fluff, but wrapped in truth and love. She always thought about what we could do better to share the stories of God’s work and glory in Haiti and in the lives of those touched by Him! Her heart for Haiti showed in her work. We are grateful to her and her years spent with Haitian Christian Outreach! We are grateful for the time she took to share her years of knowledge and experience with our newest team member, Jorja Aeilts!

Haitian Christian Outreach will miss Abby, her professionalism, her willingness to allow God to call her outside her comfort zone, and her contribution to the voice of the mission! RoRo, Eline, the US Team and the Board wish her and her family all the best and pray for their future!