Are you, your small group, church, or business looking for ways to help during COVID-19? As we continue to meet the needs of patients at Peredo Community Hospital is it now more critical than ever to have a variety of surgical supplies and medications available.
Our ministry partner FAME will be accepting items from our Surgical & Medication Supply List to be shipped to Haiti. Below is the Supply List as well as an Inventory Sheet to mail with your items. Simply collect items from the supply list, take an inventory of what you are sending, and mail the items along with the inventory list to:
Barry Reed
c/o Haitian Christian Outreach
4545 Southeastern Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46203
We cannot thank you enough for helping fulfill this critical need. You can also visit our Amazon Wish List for needed items. Again, all items will be mailed directly to FAME who is preparing an HCO container to be shipped!