
Meeting Crucial Needs

When the Church comes together, great things happen! Haiti has struggled with food insecurity for years. Now with the added stress of a worldwide pandemic, the reality of food insecurity for families throughout the country is even greater. Thankfully we have incredible partners who have stepped in to help!

Through the generosity of Rocklane Christian Church (IN) 600 food kits were recently prepared on our campus in Peredo. These kits included oil, beans, rice, and spaghetti. More than 600 families throughout Belle Anse, Kapotyer, Grand Bois, Seguin, and Peredo were blessed with kits.

“The situation is very bad in Haiti for the moment. For example, in Seguin, it hasn’t rained for 6 months. The people were so thankful for food. We have been sending food even in the jail. We do what we can with what we have, one at a time.”  -RoRo

Not only did these food kits help provide a crucial need for families but also provided income to Haitian vendors as all the food and supplies were purchased in Haiti. The economy in Haiti is constantly changing and small business owners such as grocers, street market vendors, farmers, etc. struggle with economic instability. The food kits also allowed Haitians to serve one another by continuing to meet the needs of those in their communities.

Working together with our partners helps to make an even greater impact as God provides us with new ways to serve our brothers and sisters in Haiti when we cannot have our feet on the ground. It also sends a message of love, unity, and community all in the name of Jesus! If you or your church family would like to serve others by providing them the opportunity to serve, please visit our website to make a donation to disaster relief or click below.

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