
PRAY FOR HAITI – March 2018

Pray With Us – March 2018

Praise be to the Lord, to our God and Savior, who daily bears our burdens. (Ps. 68:19)

Praise God for the Triple Trek team that has raised $76,222 toward their trip costs and Phase II of the hospital. They will summit the highest peak in Haiti on 3/12/18!

Praise God for over 525 patients seen at 3 mobile medical outreaches last month! We are grateful for short-term medical teams that saw patients in Meyer, Belle Anse, and Anse a Boeuf, allowing our hospital staff to continue providing care for regular patients on campus.

Praise God for the electrical work and stucco on the hospital! Our crew and teams continued to install lights in the rest of the rooms in the hospital and get stucco work nearly completed.

Praise God for stucco work on Peredo Classrooms! Our crew and teams started to stucco the three school buildings. And teams have been a big help with some painting projects on campus, too!

Praise God for 5 English classes taught in our schools! Teams taught four 1-hour English classes to our students in Peredo and one to our students in Kapotyer. Students learned greetings, animals, colors, and a Bible verse.

Lord, grant that our lives may be marked by prayerfulness and that we may learn to pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. (Eph. 6:18)

Pray for RoRo and Eline as they lead the work in Haiti, managing staff, directing projects, hosting teams, developing leaders, and evangelizing.

Pray for Cameron, Jennifer, and Becky in the US office as they lead the work in the US, raise funds, coordinate teams, manage the office, and tell the story of what God is doing through HCO.

Pray for Marcus, Arin, Maverick and Pierson, as they continue to make Haiti their home, learn the language, and host American teams.

Pray for our church leaders, that they will be encouraged in their faith, strengthened as a Body of believers, and effective as they reach out to share the Gospel with their communities.

Pray for our medical staff at Peredo Community Hospital, that they will continue to give excellent health care to those in need, to share hope with their patients, and to grow in their own faith.

Continue to ask God to prompt the customs officials to release the dump truck. We continue to specifically ask that we will find favor with the officials, that the officials would find NO reason to delay the release, and that they will release the truck immediately.

Please join us in asking God to bless the finances of the mission. Pray that all donors will update their recurring donations or that God will provide new and increased donors. We trust God to provide what we need!

Pray for our final spring teams. We have a team from 2|42 Community (MI) and a Vision team serving with us in the coming weeks.

And pray with us for Every Child this month: