
Leaving a Legacy

Access to clean water is not always easy to find in Haiti. Sure you can find packaged water and ice for sale in the city but in remote villages and communities throughout the country, safe drinking water is not always available.

Ernest L. Breier knew this and wanted to do something about it. He wanted to leave a legacy and provide clean water to a community in Haiti. With God’s help, Ernest was led to Haitian Christian Outreach and RoRo was led to the town of Cotes de Fer and as RoRo says, “The rest is history.”

In September a well was dug and a filtration system was put into place, which immediately began providing clean water to families. The construction of a well house will soon be complete which will aid in protecting the well and equipment.

Michael, Ernest’s oldest brother shared with us more about Ernest and his passion for doing something for Haiti that would last.

“For the past 3 years, Erney has talked about the possibility of being able to provide the funds for drilling a well in a village somewhere in the world that would provide water for thousands of people. I thought maybe he was exaggerating a little, but after reading a description of the well currently being constructed in Haiti with the funds he provided, I am amazed and proud of what he has made possible. Water is something that most of us in America take for granted, but now I see why this was such a passion for him.

 We often referred to Erney as our “Yippy Hippie from the Sixties” because that was the era he grew up in. I remember the old VW Wagon that he used to travel the country in and often commented about how his greeting of a “peace” sign and a big hug was the way he greeted you. He, not only traveled extensively in the U.S. but he also traveled the world as well. If the country had a beach – that was all he needed. He loves the ocean and sand. I saw an expression the other day the fits him well. “Happiness is a seashell in your pocket and sand between your toes.” That was Erney. Some of the countries that I know he visited include Tahiti, Bora Bora, all of the Hawaiian Islands (especially Kauai), Costa Rica, and many others. He didn’t stay in fancy hotels. He would throw up a tent on the beach or find someone who needed help that had a hut he could stay in while he worked for his keep.

 Erney is a generous and giving person – I guess that’s evident in the fact that he donated this well to the people of Haiti. He would help just about anyone with anything. What I remember when my wife and I would visit him is that he never met a stranger. It seemed like he knew everyone and everyone knew him.

 In summary, Erney is an awesome example of what God created us to be. He spends his life on earth being the hands and feet of Jesus. There is no doubt that, when the day comes, Erney will be greeted with “Welcome home My Good and Faithful Child.”

Ernest passed away in August of this year after battling cancer but was able to see pictures of the completed well in Cotes de Fer, in which he helped make possible. What a gift Ernest provided for the community! What a legacy he left! Families in Cotes de Fer now have access to clean water for cooking, cleaning, and drinking. Thank you, Ernest! Thank you for doing something for Haiti that will last!