Give Life: Sabrina’s Story
The OB/GYN practice at Peredo Community Hospital is growing! And it’s because of our Give Health sponsors, we are able to see more patients. Each sponsor’s monthly gift of $35 provides a visit to the doctor, any needed laboratory tests, and any needed medicine for one patient. New sponsors are needed to meet the growing needs.
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Each month, we share stories like this one with our Give Health sponsors!
During the last week of week of February, Sabrina came to Peredo Community Hospital. She is about 8 months pregnant and was having some pain indicative of a urinary tract infection. We soon found out that Sabrina is the daughter of our beloved Pastor Noe who just went heaven on February 4. She has been living with her mother in Gonaives, but was in the Peredo area for her dad’s funeral.
Because she was soon to return to Gonaives, Dr. Alexandre won’t be able to track progress on the rest of her pregnancy, but we were happy to help Sabrina while she was in Peredo. During her exam, Dr. Alexandre was gracious to teach a couple of visiting nurses, Aimee Neal and Heather Eckers, about our OB/GYN practice.
During her ultrasound, Dr. Alexandre and Nurse Josma found everything with the baby to be healthy. This is Sabrina’s first pregnancy and first time to have an ultrasound. And although the doctor checked the gender of the baby, Sabrina didn’t want to know. The ultrasound showed baby to be 36 weeks and 2 days!
Aimee and Heather were impressed with the high quality images and ultrasound equipment we have at Peredo Community Hospital. We are always happy to hear things like that!
As we were visiting with Sabrina later, we asked, “Do you have a faith like your dad’s?” Dr. Jackie translated, and Sabrina shook her head “no” and spoke in Creole. We started to rephrase the question to ask: “Are you a Christian?” But, Dr. Jackie explained, “Sabrina is a Christian. But she doesn’t consider her faith to be as strong and bold as her father’s faith. She hopes that one day her Christian faith will be ‘like her dad’s’.” What a beautiful testimony of faith being shared from one generation to the next! We will be praying for Sabrina and her new little one, the grandson of Pastor Noe. We hope you will too!