If you follow HCO on Facebook, you’ve probably noticed we’ve had quite a few babies born at the hospital lately! You may find yourself asking: “Why such an increase?”
The answer is a little more complex than you might think. Since we added an OB/GYN doctor to the Peredo Community Hospital staff a few years ago, the number of prenatal visits increased almost every month. But, we weren’t having as many babies born at the hospital compared to the number of our prenatal care patients.
We needed to discover why this was happening so that we could provide birthing services for all of the prenatal patients we were treating. What we discovered was that most of our prenatal care moms were still having home births, or they were going to a really poor facility to deliver their babies in Marigot. The issue was that our hospital closed each day at 4 p.m. When moms showed up in labor at 10:00 p.m., there was no one there to help them deliver. Of course, babies come at all hours of the day, and often labor begins at night.
Around the beginning of 2017, Peredo Community Hospital started 24/7 labor, delivery, and emergency services, with two nurses on duty at all times. Our birthing staff now includes an OB doctor, nurses, and midwife staff.
With expanded care hours, the babies have been coming at a steady rate of 1-2 every several days. Two weeks ago, we had twins and another baby born on the same day. On February 14, RoRo told us we had 17 women doing regular prenatal care at PCH who planned to give birth at the hospital before the end of March! We are thankful hospital births are increasing!
Twins and baby boy, all born 2/7/17.
A Week of Babies
Recently, a team of nurses from First Christian Church (Fairfield, IL) were serving in Peredo for the week, they helped deliver a cute little boy on Monday night. (This was the mama who labored at the hospital while the roof was being poured on Phase II.) On Wednesday of that week, while we were doing a medical clinic in Seguin, a mother was on her way to the hospital when she gave birth at the river. Her family carried the mother and baby, still attached by the umbilical cord, to the hospital to finish the birthing process. A few days later, the team of nurses from Fairfield had the chance to see the Monday baby boy again as he and mama came back for a check-up.
Baby boy, born in the wee-early hours of 2/21/17, after the roof was poured on 2/20/17.
Baby girl born at the river and carried to the hospital with mama.
Fairfield CC nurses enjoying some snuggles after baby boy’s well baby check- up with Dr. Gay.
We are also pleased to see many of the babies born coming back for well baby checks with our nurses and Dr. Gay.
Peredo Community Hospital is giving hope and life as we continue to welcome babies into the world! Please pray for our birthing staff, the mamas, their babies, and their families as we continue to serve the community in this way.
Infant Care Kits
One practical way you can personally show love and bring hope to these new mamas is through assembling Infant Care Kits. This is a make and/or collect project for individuals and groups to help new mamas welcome their precious babies born at Peredo Community Hospital. Check out our blog for instructions and more details!