Summer Blessings 2018
God has been at work through HCO this summer in some wonderful ways! RoRo, Eline, Marcus, Arin, and the interns hosted teams from Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, and Virginia this summer. Our interns, Larissa, Logan, Jillian, and Hannah, served well, learned a lot, and experienced many aspects of ministry, culture, and life in Haiti. With everyone working toward a common goal, we made great progress on many campus projects and did several community outreaches.
Help us praise God for a summer of blessings!
- Celebrated the release of our new dump truck
- Hosted 6 short-term teams
- Encouraged over 2,000 kids through VBS
- Celebrated Dr. Gay in his retirement
- Hired a new Medical Director, Dr. Frank
- Finished the first phase of solar power in Peredo
- Treated over 350 patients through mobile medical outreaches
- Painted more coats of paint on the hospital than anyone knew was possible
- Received training to begin raising rabbits in Peredo
- Held a revival with the church in Belle Anse
- Started foundation work for the church in Belle Anse
- Started the process for a new water project in the village of Anse a Beouf
Thank you for your partnership in the Gospel! All of this happens because of God’s great kindness and because of partners like you who pour your prayers and finances into the work of Haitian Christian Outreach!
As our thoughts turn toward the fall and the 2,000 children starting back to school in September and October, please continue to pray for us and for all the child sponsors who partner with us!