
Back to school in Haiti 2023

As you may know, school was supposed to start back in September for the ’22-’23 school year. Due to the circumstances in Haiti, for the safety of the teachers and students school was unable to start. It is with overflowing joy and much gratitude that we are proud to report that school is now in session! Because the situation has not improved, by any means, and only about one third of the students have returned so far, it is so wonderful to see the students on campus in Peredo each day! We know that the price of fuel, the insecurity and cholera are keeping many away, however, we are praying each of these students will return soon. 

We spoke with some of the teachers at our Peredo School and they told us that one of the 5th grade girls that came back this week kept saying: mwen kontan, mwen kontan, mwen kontan, mwen kontan, mwen kontan!!! (Translation: I’m Happy, I’m Happy, I’m Happy, I’m Happy, I’m Happy!!!)

All of our students are SO HAPPY to be back to school. They have missed being in the classroom, that is a safe, fun, and loving environment for them. Our students were able to come back to school, because of the amazing support of our sponsors that continued to give and continued sponsoring our students, specifically when they were unable to attend.  Because of that generosity, we were able to pay our teachers salaries, to support their families during the unknown. Because of you, our students have teachers to come back to now that school has resumed! For that, friends, we thank you! 

Please pray with us over each classroom, each student, and each teacher. Pray for safety, as they travel to and from school. Pray that God will bless each student with the ability to focus in the classroom after being away for over 6 months. Pray for the teachers as they get back into a routine as they are going to be catching up from the time they have missed. 

“But Jesus called the children to Him and said, ” Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these”. Luke 18:16

Do you want to help do something in Haiti that will last through the next generation of Kingdom workers? Will you take a seat in our classroom? Become a classroom sponsor for only $30.00 per month by taking a seat in one of our classrooms today! Click HERE to learn more! 


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Loren C Roberts

January 25, 2023

I’ve been praying for the schools, teachers and students all along. I pray that the children will grow up loving God and will make a difference in Haiti to God’s glory.


January 25, 2023

Thank you for Praying with us Loren! We have some amazing Kingdom Workers in our schools, and we continue to Pray for God’s Glory to SHINE!!